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CLB Electric deep well cargo pump

HG Machinery Group Co.,Ltd.

CLB Electric deep well cargo pump

Category : Deep well pump | SEP 9th,2013 

Views : 4026


HG Electric Deep well cargo pump - CLB consists of single-absorb centrifugal pump, connection pipes,motor base and electric motor, Motor base and electromotor are mounted on dect. Centrifugal pump and conncecting pipes were mounted in cargo tank, submerged in cargo. Driving shaft is supported by rolling bearings and special pleastic pilot bearing and is connected with electromotor by flexible coupling. Mechanical seal is used for driving shaft's seal, with material of ceramic/graphite for ring/mating ring,which can meet the requirement to pump various chemicals.


The CLB Electric Deep Weel cargo pump is mouned to the deck of chemical tanker and work at the bottom of the cargo tank. The pump is driven by explosion-proof motor through driving shaft. Explsion-proof grade will be chosen as per the property of the liquid cargo, ensuring safety.


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